Return to in-person serviceS
SundayS at 11 a.m.
Wednesdays at 7 P.M.

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Dear Christian Lighthouse Church, 

We are excited to welcome back all Christian Lighthouse Church family and guests in our church building for in-person service on SUNDAYS at 11am & WEDNESDAYS at 7pm. 

Thank you so much for your active participation in our online services and devotionals.  These online videos have been a blessing during this challenging time.  We are working on ways to implement more online programs in the near future. 


We will be following safety guidelines and providing a contact-less experience for you and your family. Below is a list of some of the guidelines and measures we plan to follow based on the CDC Guidelines to make certain we are providing a safe environment for us to worship together. 

Before attending service please keep these guidelines in mind. 


  • At CLC, we are very careful about providing a clean, sanitary, and safe environment.  We have increased our cleaning and disinfecting procedures. This includes a comprehensive cleaning of all restrooms, classrooms, floors, and various touch points (doorknobs, handles, water faucets, handrails, etc.).

  • When in shared spaces, please maintain distancing protocols.

  • Seating in the auditorium will be available every other row. 

  • Family household units may sit closer together.    

  • Hand sanitizer will be available for use throughout the facility. Please wash your hands frequently. 

  • Please refrain from physical actions such as shaking hands or hugging.  

  • High-risk individuals are advised not to attend the in-person service.

  • You are encouraged to bring your own mask. 

  • Individuals that are symptomatic, ill, or have fevers, please stay home.  Please let us know so we can pray for you.   

  • Offering will remain contactless at the front of the church.

  • The Secure Giving Kiosk will be disinfected.  Please use hand-sanitizer prior to touching the kiosk.  Online and mobile giving is available through ChristianLighthouseChurch.org/give.

Please share this information with your friends and family.  We look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday! 

Please know that we are here to pray for you and to be of help. Don’t hesitate to call or email if you need us at any time. We are a people of prayer—not panic!  Choose faith over fear today. Speak a word of encouragement to others in this time. God is still in control.  As we return to in-person services, we ask that you continue to pray for your church community, your family, friends, medical professionals, leaders, and our nation. 

Love & Blessings, 
Pastor G.W. Hall
